This is aligned with Mars aim to place energy on a specific goal, and once you find a real passion, however much you may doubt it, then you can use self-discipline and determination to make sure that the goal is a positive and productive one, and not one that will end up damaging yourself or others. Such situations demand courage, decision-making, and they will inevitably meet with set-backs. Sometimes I think the only solution for that problem is to keep people at a distance. Neptune rules health and he has a healing transit from Neptune this year: Neptune sextile Sun transit from April 2016 to February 2017. A conjunction is when planets like Mars, Jupiter, or Saturn, or other bodies like stars or the Moon, meet in the sky. In your chart, Mars shows your basic animal nature, how you express anger and what gets you angry and more importantly what makes you act. While Mars and Saturn are neither masculine or feminine, they can carry features from both sides of the spectrum, and so this can shed some light on the wounded masculine without realizing the necessity of his feminine side. Natal Chiron in Pisces has taught me so much more. It can ignite your darkest desires or give you the stamina and patience to complete the hardest of tasks. So its Rx now and will go back SLOWLY til it turns on my Uranus in gemini 8 and somehow highlights saturn again i forget how but seven months? And what about having Ceres at 8 degrees cancer ( so in opposition) ? Mars creativity combined with Saturn darkness is shown in Eraserhead, The Elephant Man, Dune and Twin Peaks. Mars position in this aspect means that you can make well planned decisions which will make you stop wasting time on aspects that arent rewarding in one way or another. But it can also lead to an imbalanced bond. But not today. There has been more than one Oscars scandal this year. Also it makes one very very strategic indeed! i m game to get things done but fate has intervened and lo the new moon lunar eclipse 2 degree scorpio was on my part of destiny My progressed pluto muckraker moved into 4th home house and progressed leo sun crawled over it and now vesta with all those publicly versatile traits like porno prostitution sex problems purity guru workaholics secret societies protection safety credibility nuns nutrition exercise now sits atop pluto exacting in August and my identity and unfamiliar past to most is having a hay day for months and years of progressing . Been on the receiving end of some mind boggling cruelty and struggled to put it into perspective. There are now 1600+ Astrology Membership Articles available for reading. Im making up strategic plans in how to act and react to this and that and it feels great! On the other hand, this negative energy could manifest through another persons destructive actions toward you, such as nastiness or violence. Sent 5 times a week. Check out the Free online Tarot readings using this deck on the AstroMatrix app. Thats probably true. I love it when I start out the week learning something new. D? I am determined to put an end to the small-time criminal activities of the group that has a strangle-hold on my residential company. Transit Jupiter will be conjunct natal Ketu in Aquarius at 24 degrees on March 20, 2022. Downright cruelty, in my experience, has been with people who can play the socially acceptable role; ie: Im going to talk crap about people behind their backs becaus,, e its the only way Ill feel better about myself or Im going to prey on the hard working individual who listens to me and helps out often, doesnt get in my way but nonetheless there has to be something I can destroy in that persons life because Im a bitch and proud of it. Also, key word with Mars/Saturn to me = endurance. Ive got so much Pisces in me though, even tho Im an Aries Sun. An angry person is justified in his or her angry tone when enough is enough. It may feel physically crushing at times, but Mars is required to develop endurance and have its courage, daring and effectiveness in the world tested. You are original, inventive, and sometimes erratic, often acting on blind impulse. I have Mars conjunct Saturn (both retrograde) in Libra in the 8th. Saturn/Mars opposition across my asc and dc. Mars Conjunct Venus Natal You likely have sex appeal and charm without much effort. mollis inter appling codon paling Faucibus in hoeng, Download the free AstroMatrix Horoscopes App, What obstacles you may face in regards your work life, health and relationships using your Birth chart & Transits. I say this because Mars is exalted in Capricorn and Saturn is in it's home sign. I explained to her how disastrous it would be for my husbands love life if he brought his prowess home. Bad finances as a result and so my struggle has been for survival. I think this aspect comes down to respect. Saturn caution restrains the Mars tendency to act too quickly, impulsively, or without sufficient forethought or preparation. Her Mars/Saturn exactly squares her Sun/Moon in Scorpio. You will have to be careful when communicating, attempting to make more plans, and take more time to do things, which will make you be sure of yourselves together and that youre working on maintaining the relationship. Mars Conjunct Saturn In Natal Chart Meaning. Plus, it lessens the chance of it building to a greater level of unexpressed anger and rage. When it does change it is because you overcome your fears and your unbalancing desires. The Surprising Astro-Indicators Of Top Surgeons. Discipline, patience, hard work, and the blessing of good judgment work together to form a picture that looks like luck to others. shipping calculated at checkout to other worldwide locations. They wont give an inch and im getting tired of their looking the other way to the problems they choose to ignore they create either by their making or omission one on one relationships partners can be containing but suffocating. Hard Mars/Saturn can be a history of physical or sexual abuse, too. Most of my coping is to physically build and create things. Yes, yes and yes. It provides enormous drive, drive drive to do, to fix, to accomplish. #Your involvement with other people often focuses on the harshest side of human experience. Sounds like good timing to me but good luck anyway! 3 June 2032. This was before I learned to channel the energy into positive activities, work and physical exercise. Often while others are off relaxing or doing whatever, I am focussing on strategies and movements about change that I want to see. A long time can be spent holding back their true desires, or honest feelings, repressing and even denying that others have treated them wrong. These charts are mapped with the help of natal charts and are used to analyze and understand relationships. By Kelly Surtees / April 4, 2022. The best part is you are able to ask any specific questions you have. Do you have a harsh signature like this in your chart. This gal has to use (and not use) her prowess in a similar way. Please put some light on it. Unfortunate Empress that I am, I write on the susceptible skins of living beings. ~ Catherine The Great, In order to know virtue, we must first acquaint ourselves with vice. ~ Marquis De Sade, Who controls the past controls the future. You may find that you are required to deal with bigger responsibilities than usual and face challenges with authority figures. Here's my solution for turning Mars-Saturn in hard aspect to a harmonious one: Tip #1 - Acknowledge the old man (Saturn) for his experience and wisdom. Anger by itself is not a bad emotion, but from the traditional days of astrology, Mars was considered a malefic planet. Another point: beware of overworking because excessive strain will harm your health. We are very very close though. Within the Mars semi-square Saturn aspect, you are moving towards an experience of self that will eventually lead you to discover your true intentions, unaffected by distractions that previously stood in your way. It provides vivid and detailed modern imagery that can inspire and connect the reader with the deeper tarot meanings easier. This kind of work could be so powerful for people if theyd let it. But this Mars. When youre feeling confident, you can hold yourself accountable for everything you do, committing various tasks and challenging yourself and your capabilities. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. Perhaps that's largely because you've faced many obstacles, especially early in life. transit mars natal saturn 25 gemini. When applied to worthwhile goals, is a fantastic thing. Authority figures? Athletics. You feel that you must rely on yourself alone, that its all on your shoulders, and you can be a harsh disciplinarian, expecting far too much from yourself and others. 10 April 2024 It is very good for business associations where the objective is material profit. But this Mars. Sometimes for minutes. Yet you have the endurance necessary for the long haul. At times, these challenges have been frustrating, as if you're living life with the brakes on. Luckily Im not emotionally stunted, the opposite, I show my emotions very openly. Interpretation sample from the InDepthreport. Lets do this!. Stay at home and sharpen your knives, work hard with patience and forethought. He goes out of his way not to scare me because he certainly is frightening. This in depth personalized Astrology reading can provide you with a 30 minute recording to get a clear idea of what the next 12 months has in store. I have Mars conjunct Saturn. Its more like having fear showing vulnerability, but I will sow it anyway. The real trick in life for you is to keep moving. Traditionally, this aspect is said to cause frustration and difficulty in expressing anger, and even nastiness. Mars signifies our strongest desires, sexuality, and creativitywhich are positively influenced by Saturns discipline and tendency to work efficiently. It is exhausting and wears me out. To avoid complications, the conjunction of Mars and Saturn in your synastryis best comprehended when you compare the specific features of both planets. He wont give me a massage because hes afraid he might break a bone. Yesterday she asked me if she was going to get over of get rid of this and I had to tell her no. Saturn always teaches a lesson or puts a brake upon the personal expression denoted by any planet it aspects by conjunction. Im very aware of my shadow! Slowly but surely, you may feel a surge of inspiration to be more productive, and this can be great if youre thinking of starting a new business or giving up on aspects of your life that do not align with your purpose. I am in my mid 40s now. In marriage the aspect is a point in favor of endurance. What if you have Mars in aspect to Saturn or some other harsh signature in your chart? Though remote from the Earth, Saturn's unique ring system makes it possibly the most instantly recognized planet in our Solar System. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! Victim of cruelty? On a personal level, the excuse of being overwhelmed and dissociated from others will grow tiresome. A prolific musician with countless hits and many arduous tours under her belt, a sustained effort over a lifetime. I never bury my emotons. Im usually working on a project that really scares or disgusts me. I just want to say, before that exercise, in response to Elsas, what is Saturn for (at heart)? that for me, its for learning. My husband has a similar aspect in his chart. She lures men with her beauty and when they bite (figuratively speaking), she attacks. Military family. Discover the key to your unique life path & personality. Jamie, please tell me how you think my crim-busting project will work out in my favour or theirs? Mars Saturn aspect natives needs to be their own boss. Im only 21, and without looking much on astrology, my life wasnt a picknick at all..Saturn is in my first house in aquarius and mars in aries on both in 2nd and 3rd house. Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun, and the second largest, after Jupiter. Designed to help you in the 1 minute it takes to read them. Theyare exceedingly demanding in what must be achieved and there is a strong desire to win, so they demand, above all, hard work. She is the most emotionally unrealized person I have ever met. Mercury, Saturn, Pluto gash cross her chart dominates. Use this combination to steam roller over all your obstacles. with my sun, venus. His natal nessus is conjunct aphrodite 14 cancer 4th house, my natal north node 15 cancer 9th house. What does that signify for the native? I dont give expression to cruelty, but I can feel inside of me that I am capable of it. Saturn = sustained, persevering. Mars stimulates self-confidence in Saturn and thus helps Saturn to resist discouragement and build greater security for himself. Medusa, in the myth, turns the amorous gentleman to stone. The squares and oppositions can be concerning. I told her i m never in a car with you again. Hard energy to manage. Regards I know that the crims have ways of frustrating my activities. HOwever- we also have strong saturns (late degrees mine is at 29 cap, so is dads, my uncle has sun at 29 cap) and the family intention is to direct all that energy appropriately. Mars sextile Saturn or Mars trine Saturn: *You possess the gifts of endurance and perseverance, the willingness to work hard and seriously to achieve your objectives. I found her hurtful. Her introductions seemed to resonate with an attitude i cared since my teens when i could not get on with my parents and became indifferent. Have a kite and a grand cross in my chart. Using the Midheaven, the True Node and Saturn discover where your true potential and Career lies. His memoir is being released this week when Saturn is now at 9 degrees Capricorn i.e. Does this aspect affects my future partnerships? I have incredible drive, dynamism, passion, focus, stamina, willpower, energy and determination. But then again I have a stellium in the 8th. I know for sure I would be an awesome kickboxer, fighter and soldier! Heart of a scorpion indeed for this scorpio moon. At least I dont think it is, people tend to find me very warm and caring. Instead, take your time as you speak up for yourself or some principle that you feel has been violated. ASC. any thoughts? Comets are small celestial bodies that orbit the Sun. In truth, Saturn to Mars is undergoing a full examination of self-assertiveness, throughout life, they must show physical or emotional endurance. My Sun square Uranus hates pretense. And I pray I can keep it together until this passes. So, when people meet me they are intimidated at first but not even realizing that Im keeping my own company and counsel because they start a process of bullying in very subtle ways (especially at work) because they want to see if they can dominate your thoughts with garbage and have you fall in line. In natal charts - self-respect, in synastry charts - respect of other. Hi Jamie, any advice on transiting Mars conjunct natal Saturn in the 6th house? Heavy metal music has a Mars Saturn aspect energy so it is not surprising to see some, what you might label metal, musicians in the list below. I hope things work out for him. I recently underwent my first Saturn Return, and I STILL have not learned to manage this horrible aspect. Painful! Im a runner and also have started at a gym. I mean his physical prowess as well as his keen, cunning mind. Interpretation from the Astrology Profile for Women report: With Mars in conjunction with your Ascendant, you are driven to accomplish what you set out to do. The last year has been especially hard because the September 2015 lunar eclipse and March 2016 lunar eclipse triggered a difficult opposition in your chart. More Aspects of Mars in the Natal Chart: Mars-Sun aspects | Mars-Moon aspects | Mars-Mercury aspects | Mars-Venus aspects | Mars-Jupiter aspects | Mars-Saturn aspects | Mars-Uranus aspects | Mars-Neptune aspects | Mars-Pluto aspects | Mars-Chiron aspects | Mars-Ascendant aspects. Ive got Mars conjunct Pluto (yes, yes, we know; you mention it all the damned time *grins*). Regardless, what you decide as the origin, you're not sure when the worst will come out of you to haunt you or hunt after people who provoke you. I am aware of my shadow however. Rosaleen Norton (006) was the Witch of Kings Cross in Sydney Australia. My saturn steps in like the party pooper he is and Ok, but are you sure you wanna do this? The main areas affected by the limiting influence of Saturn are your passionate desires and the ability for sustained effort. There are constructive ways of using this energy no doubt. Id not heard as much about Mars/Saturn in this regard but will read more about it. Moon is planet in high focus, in Gemini in 7, square Pluto, square Chiron, square Jupiter, opp Venus wide and out of sign but aspect important because part of grand cross, moon also in grand trine with Saturn and Mercury. I also have Sun opposite pluto which I am sure doesnt not help things Since i have gotten into astrology I have paid more attention to these things and that is positive!! Mars sextile Saturn or Mars trine Saturn: *You possess the gifts of endurance and perseverance, the willingness to work hard and seriously to achieve your objectives. No one can do it for you. Im the one who will get the pieces of the broken dropped in her lap to put back together, clean or process into the next cycle. These natal Saturn natives have a natural eye toward symmetry and harmony in their attitude to the natural world. For me, it has been work and martial arts plus dancing. What might feel most disheartening is the suspicion that youre holding yourself back. Mars conjunct Uranus. If natal Saturn is in the 6th house and Mars is currently transiting 6th house, then I am assuming, at some point transiting Mars will conjunct natal Saturn in the 6th, perhaps twice since Mars will spend longer in the same house due to a retrograde this year. Did i mention we were Scots? Ruler of 3. You may also think about talking with mentors, older people or people you generally trust the most who will be able to assist you along this journey. Dont mess with us. Discipline yourself. You enjoy working in solitude, and often feel your best work is done when you are alone. *You are very serious about reaching your goals and feel that keeping your nose to the grindstone is the only way to do it. How to Handle Your Human Relations(Can be read as a Natal Apect). If the positive and best sides of these two planets are expressed, this aspect induces cooperation and working for a common goal. It is incredibly effective energy, if used properly with focus and compassion for other people.. Youre not trying to condition yourself for easy victories or soft landings. Saturn, however, may not feel comfortable exposing their wishes. Everything bottled up as pressure is going to transform in the next few weeks as i leave an abusive codpendent living situation and move out into my own place! She really believes she doesnt have a shadow. An occultist and artist, her paintings were often of demons. Mars square Saturn natal creates difficulty in self-expression. Thanks! You might be tempted to seethe quietly or step into a passive-aggressive mode of addressing a problem. Your Mars desires, sexuality, and creativity are positively influenced by Saturn's discipline and strong work ethic. But its true that in at least some cases, by the time someone like me or someone else has the chance to put in two cents to make it stop, the damage has been done and we inevitably look like the trouble maker. In the case of Mars Conjunct Saturn, the two planets are joined in a conjunction, they do astrologically become sort of a new planet, with its own distinct traits. I see it differently too. You may get a reality check or see the truth in a current situation. Put Mars and Saturn together and it becomes somewhat like Pluto. With Mars and Saturn mashed, you must take command. I find Mars/Saturn to be very precise, man. . I have Saturn/Mars conjuction in Leo in my natal chart. Apparently former director of the FBI Comey has mars conjunct Saturn both in Capricorn. i fell two feet off my bed with loud crash and got a bruise on the inner right arm ( fighting arm) crease This aspect can be good in many cases; it depends on other aspects in the comparison. Victim of cruelty, I guess so. Mars conjunct Saturn can be a powerfully ambitious aspect, they can be high achievers. It helps them to set and achieve goals for constructive anger expression. Are you and your love interest meant to be? Definitely i cant even begin to say. Once you decide you want something or make a commitment, youll do it even if it takes forever. Maybe 0signs take time. (Interestingly there are two James Bond actors below). My DOB 4 may 1982 20:25 pm helmond, netherlands. I am considered pretty mellow at work (saturn 10th) though any attempt to explain my side and Im accused of being defensive (mars 1st house). And maybe the libra helps, not sure but I wouldnt describe myself as someone who is cruel, I can be sharp and impatient and if Im really upset, I can resort to being cold, but its not dominant in my nature. Some Famous People with Mars in Harmonious Aspect to Saturn: Sextiles Thomas Edison, Alfred Adler, Galileo, Camilla Parker Bowles, Freddie Prinze, Corbin Bernsen, Catherine the Great, Omar Sharif, Ben Stiller, Barbara Walters; Trines Denzel Washington, Rudolph Steiner, Josef Stalin, Yves Saint Laurent, Emily Post, Marilyn Monroe, Sinclair Lewis, David Letterman, Annie Lennox, Leonardo Da Vinci, Andy Griffith, Dwight Eisenhower, Eric Clapton, Kevin Butler, Kareem Abdul Jabar.